
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2020

Edu passion

Bismo irmanendra rachman (11) Raden ramadhaniqo (32)


The Farmer & the Snake A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. On the ground lay a Snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. The Farmer knew how deadly the Snake could be, and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life. The Snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. The bite was deadly and the Farmer felt that he must die. As he drew his last breath, he said to those standing around: Learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel.

school holidays

      SCHOOL HOLIDAYS halo guys,my name bismo irmanendra rachaman,this time i will tell about my school holidays with family . first of all,my family and i went to yogyakarta,when i got there i explored the famous food in yogyakarta.who doesn't know this food? one of the foods i like is gudeg because it is sought after by many people dan many more famous foods in yogyakarta. then i rested for a while at my grandmother's hous and after that i went to the palace of yogyakarta to see things that were used in colonial times there are various kinds of objects,one of which is the delman that ridden by   Kanjeng Nyai Jimat  digunakan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I (1755-1792) hingga Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono III (1812-1814). at this time the train is only used during important ceremonies and is stored in the palace train museum. As an heirloom train, every year on Tuesday Kliwon or Friday Kliwon in the month of Sura, the Kanjeng Nyai Amulet train is removed from the Kerat